The following is a list of local help agencies.
The State of NJ also offers a hotline for help services by dialing 211 from your phone
Flemington Area Food Pantry
154 Route 31 North Flemington, NJ 08822
Monday-Thursday 9-11:30am
Saturday 9:30am-11:30am (2X month)
Wednesday 5:30pm-8pm (2X month)
Seniors greater than 60 years old 3rd Tuesday 12pm-2pm
Social Services of Hunterdon County
6 Gauntt Place, Flemington NJ 08822
(908) 788-1300
There is a variety of resources here for housing, clothing and food!
Hunterdon Helpline
Open 24 Hours
(908) 782-4357
Offers help with homelessness, financial assistance, emergency shelter, housing, mental health, physical health, community information, seniors, disabilities, veterans, employment, education, transportation, children and families.
Catholic Charities
6 Park Ave Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 788-1300
Provides counseling, shelter and immigration services
Salvation Army
40 East Main Street Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 237-9008